This is the finest traditional medicine available on earth. This botanical is a long standing favorite in South America where it has been empirically selected for its effectiveness over many generations. Only organically cultivated or sustainable wild harvested plants are collected and shipped to the laboratories.
Amazon Therapeutic Laboratories works for the preservation of rainforest and to uphold the intellectual property rights of native healers and their traditional medicines. A portion of each purchase supports the type of research and education that helps carry forward a tradition that helps carry forward a tradition of natural healing and the sustainable caretaking of forest habit.
Please Read Item Label and Packaging for Recent Product Information.
As a restorative tonic use 20 to 30 drops once or twice a day in a little water.
Should not be used during pregnancy. It is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, can have a hypotensive, vasodilator and cardio depressant action. May potentiate antihypertensive and cardiac depressant drugs. It may potentiate antidepressant drugs. People using antihypertensive drugs should monitor blood pressure and adjust medications if necessary. Do not use in combination with MAO inhibitors and some types of antidepressants. Long-term use may disrupt bacteria in the digestive tract. Can promote drowsiness. Reduce the amount used if feeling tired.
*Note: All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.
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