Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Pain-Rx Revolutionary COX-2 Inhibitor Quick Acting Tablets
- Pain-Rx combines both the analgesic effect of natural opioid agonists with natural COX-2 inhibitors. People who experience minor pain, chronic discomfort, and constant or frequent muscle pain need to give the amazing product a try
- Pain-Rx is the solution both over-the-counter and pain medicines have unsuccessfully addressed from a safety and efficacy standpoint.
- Revolutionary COX-2 Inhibitor
- Quick-Acting
Please Read Item Label and Packaging for Recent Product Information.
- Take two (2) Pain-Rx tablets up to (3) times daily.
- Do not exceed 6 tablets daily.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
Please read all label information carefully on delivery and prior to use.
*Note: All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.
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